It is interesting to me how many people do not enjoy Christmas nor the holidays at this time of year. How is it that a time that is to be celebrated and is advertised to be so happy is sometimes
Do you understand your emotions? My job as a financial planner is to find ways to help you control your emotions and the ensuing self-defeating actions that can negatively impact your financial potential. Let’s list some emotions that can impact
How many times have you heard the phrase, “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” This refers to being so focused on the small details that someone fails to see the larger picture. In my experience, I’ve found that when
In a recent meeting, my clients and I discussed their desire to leave 10% of their estate to charity and the rest to their children. Their financial success is significant, not like you read about in the news, yet charity
How do you find someone who will not waste your time, efforts or money in your quest for financial success? Whatever your biases, I believe it is critical that you find someone who can maximize your potential, time, and money.
The other day, my five year old granddaughter and I planted a tree. One of the day’s most important lessons was that it is okay to get dirty. She wondered when we were done if we got to wash our
What does Father’s Day mean to you? Your thoughts about fatherhood are greatly shaped by the older men in your life. Whether that be your father, grandfather, an uncle, step-father, or other male role model. For me, the older men
It’s interesting that as life goes on, I watch myself get old. Today at 60, many things have changed. Cars are faster and more efficient, people are busier, communication is immediate, and we are much more casual in how we
Most have learned about the benefits of having a diversified portfolio. We know intellectually that we should diversify our portfolios. But why does having a diversified portfolio mean we never get the highest possible return? There’s always an asset class,
Recently, Marta and I took a trip to Indonesia where we visited an orphanage we support, and also to Papua to see the progress of several schools we are building. It is interesting how our faith expands as we go