I was talking to a young man this afternoon about doing a job for my wife and me. He is probably the hardest working person I’ve ever been around – smart, caring, and just a nice young man. He did
We expect so much of our children. We have high hopes. In fact, our pride is often tied to how our children behave and their accomplishments. We push them to be better, to do things we wished we could do,
The world is made up of decisions. When we wake, what we eat, how we spend our time…everything is a decision. How do we make decisions? Are they thoughtful and planned or made reactively based on instinct, feelings, and bad
Oregon is playing in the national championship. What a great privilege for the state of Oregon to have someone in that game. I know lots of people have made Oregon football a big priority in their lives. I too enjoy
Returns! Being obsessed with returns is probably the most underrated weakness of the investor. Does it make sense to look at short-term returns? I believe not. I’ve found it makes more sense to talk about whether we’re on track rather
Yes, I know for many of you, it’s too late. You got up early Black Friday and fought the crowds or spent most of your day Cyber Monday shopping online. Did you get wrapped up in the emotion of the
I could sit here tonight and write about what the markets will do tomorrow. There’s a good chance that what I write will be correct. And if I was right, would you attribute that to brilliance or luck? We would
It’s interesting that, by majority, we feel really intelligent. Most of us believe that we are above average in our thought processes and how we make decisions. Yet, this over-reliance on our own thought processes is what has caused the
In a prior post, I compared the journey of our lives to that of a bus trip, and discussed how important it is to assess who we’ve invited to join us. Those on our bus can either add energy to,
Do you remember the game Rock-Paper-Scissors? Perhaps you’re still playing. Sometimes when we simplify things, they make more sense. I’m going to simplify some aspects of estate planning using the rules from Rock-Paper-Scissors. Remember, paper trumps rock, rock trumps scissors,