The word “taxes” causes much controversy. Those who have little, think those who have plenty, should pay more. Those who have plenty, think those who have little, should take less. Few of us want to pay more than our fair
There’s an obvious issue if research tells us that 70% of widows seek out new financial advisors after their husbands’ death. Part of the problem is that many of my peers have spent years developing relationships with only one
It’s amazing all the money and time that’s spent on one game. Personally, fertilizing my trees will have more effect on the rest of my year than the winner or loser of “A GAME”. So why do we spend so
It’s that time of year again. When we focus on doing something in the short-term in hopes it will make a significant difference in the long-term. What are your New Year’s resolutions? For many of us it’s to lose
It’s that time of year again when we throw our budgets on the backburner in hopes of fulfilling every want of those we love. So many of us become obsessed with holiday shopping that we end up spending thousands of
Every day we are engaged in a battle. You may not realize it but every day there’s a war being waged against you, your lasting happiness and financial success. It’s the War for Your Wallet. How many battles have you
Benjamin Franklin said it best, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, expect death and taxes.” We prepare for our taxes every year. We also prepare for every major life event, including our graduation, marriage, and the
We are all unique. Our differences are vast and we don’t always agree. However, in many ways we are also similar. Most of us want to retire. If retirement is a focus for so many, or maybe has become an
It is interesting how our attitudes dictate actions. My job is to help people be prudent, but what does “prudence” mean? It means being reasonable with your actions and desires so that we put probability of success on our side.
We left Europe or other places to have independence, to have the ability to stand up for freedom to have the ability to work hard and stretch for success always with the risk of failure. But that is what made