Decisions: Based on facts or delusion?
Decisions: Based on facts or delusion?
What do we believe about life, politics, and circumstances? Much of what we believe is based on what we hear. What we take in from the news media, radio, and talk shows hosts a myriad of sources for information. But how much of it is true? If it fits our beliefs, we give it more power than we should.
I recently traveled to San Francisco with my wife for a conference and spent a few days as a tourist. We had a great time! Yet, I had ten people I spoke to before going who wondered why I would go to San Francisco when it has such problems. Yet when Marta and I were there, we walked the city, went on the trolley car, went to Pier 39, and literally had a great time sightseeing, eating, and just enjoying each other in a place that was made to sightsee. We walked the Golden Gate Bridge. Both ways and no one mugged us!
Never once did we feel out of place or threatened. But I would never have gone if I let the news media drive what I believe. Yes, every place has its problems, including my state, Portland, and where I live. But am I going to live in fear because of the news media over-emphasizing the negatives and challenges of life? I hope not. I travel to some terrible places in the world and build schools. And yes, maybe something could go wrong, or someone could attack us. But most people treat us well and try to take care of us. I refuse to live my life based on fear; life is way more enjoyable, emphasizing the positive than focusing on the negative.
What do you believe from what you have heard or read that is keeping you from having a good life? The news media makes money from selling blood! Bad news! You will have a better life if you don’t believe everything they tell you because much of it is exaggerated. Maybe it is true, but when they take a picture of a place with concerns, do they take the picture of the worst or best example in the city, block, or even a street? Many of us live in fear because of the input we take into our minds. And even if it is wrong, if we hear it often enough, it becomes the truth in our minds. It affects how we live, our level of enjoyment, and, I believe, how long we will live and have a healthy life and attitude. We worry about things we don’t need to, affecting our health and life expectancy.
I, for one, want to enjoy my life! How about you? Will we let those with negative attitudes affect that enjoyment? I hope not! Go out and enjoy life today. We live in a great world. Yes, it has many concerns and problems, but do I want to focus on the negative and have a cup half empty or focus on the positive and have a cup half full? I choose positively. You will live happier, healthier, and longer lives focused on the positive aspects of the world rather than the negative. So, let’s do this together! We will make the world better by being positive!
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