Thoughts or Strategies? Which is worth more? Many people have thoughts about financial plans. They have opinions that they’re willing to give you. But is that what you want to build your future on? Probably not. I have many thoughts
I recently talked with a man that was almost irrational with anger. Something else had performed better than his portfolio. In his career he had been a perfectionist and only the best was ever acceptable. If you only accept being
I was driving through the Columbia River Gorge towards Portland, Oregon and it struck me once again, as it often does, that life is beautiful! You know what else is beautiful? Freedom. Freedom equals choices, choices equal action, action equals
That’s the sense I get from many people that I talk with today. There’s so much going on, and coming at us so fast. If you turn on the news, peruse the internet or pick up a newspaper, all you
Is regulation protection? Does it hinder productivity? Does it make dishonest people, honest? Could regulation possibly keep honest people, from being their best for their clients? I think we could write a book on these four questions. Whatever happened
Who will have the greatest impact on your financial future? You or President-elect Trump? Now I know there are two groups in this country: one hates what they see going forward based on our election; and one loves it. What
Let me ask you a question? Do you perceive the Boston Tea Party as a negative historical event? I would agree that in the short-term it was not very pretty, yet in the long-term it led to the independence, formation,
I’ve been in financial services for over 30 years. When you do something for that long the patterns emerge and you see why things are the way they are. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know hundreds of successful
We know what contradictions are, but what are financial contradictions? They are thoughts, feelings and actions regarding your investments and financial plans in the short-term that oppose what you set out to achieve with the same investments and strategies over
Recently, my father passed away at 94. Considering that his friends were all dead, the church was fairly full. The Legion attended with a military squad. The Navy played “Taps” and conducted a flag ceremony which ended with the presentation