I recently talked with a man that was almost irrational with anger. Something else had performed better than his portfolio. In his career he had been a perfectionist and only the best was ever acceptable. If you only accept being
I was driving through the Columbia River Gorge towards Portland, Oregon and it struck me once again, as it often does, that life is beautiful! You know what else is beautiful? Freedom. Freedom equals choices, choices equal action, action equals
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.
Financial Myth’s Blog Series - Unfortunately, much of the information relating to money that permeates our thinking as individuals and as a society is based on myths.